Saturday, May 7, 2011

Play Synopsis: Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune

When Miku presented a scene from this play for us to perform for our final, I had never heard of it. I had read snippets of a few of McNally's other works, so I knew of his talent with language. When I read the scene we ended up performing, I was once again impressed by his ability to make a play engaging using little more than dialogue and characterization. This play takes place all in one location - Frankie's apartment - and has very little in the way of plot or action. However, the play is very interesting and enjoyable because of the endearing characters and their struggle to find a long-lasting connection.

The play begins with Frankie and Johnny, two coworkers, having just had sex. Throughout the rest of the play, intense and straightforward Johnny attempts to convince hesitant and isolated Frankie that they are destined for something deeper and more real than just casual sex. Johnny is in love with Frankie and convinced that they are soulmates; Frankie has given up on finding love, and she is intimidated and overwhelmed by Johnny's passionate overtures. However, by the time the curtain has gone down at the end of the play, Johnny's heart-on-his-sleeve earnestness has won Frankie's heart, and the play ends the same way it began, with the two lovers in each other's arms.

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